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Ford Mustang Wheel Alignment Specifications,
Suspension Adjustability Information,
and Recommended Alignment Type.

1964-1973 Mustang

The First Generation Mustang has a short-long arm (SLA) front suspension, which is fully adjustable for Camber, Caster, and Toe. Camber and Caster are adjustable with OE shims at the upper control arm. The rear, solid axle suspension is not adjustable. The recommended alignment type is THRUSTLINE. Wheel alignment specs with adjustment illustrations are available by subscription for all Mustang models HERE

1974-1978 Mustang II

The Second Generation Mustang II also has a short-long arm (SLA) front suspension, which is fully adjustable for Camber, Caster, and Toe. Camber and Caster are adjustable by repositioning the upper control arm at the pivot shaft bolts.  (See Illustration here.) The rear, solid axle suspension is not adjustable. The recommended alignment type is THRUSTLINE. Wheel alignment specs with adjustment illustrations are available by subscription for all Mustang models HERE

1979-1993 Mustang

The Third Generation Mustang has a strut front suspension, which is OE adjustable for Camber, and Toe. Camber is adjustable at the top of the strut where it attaches to the body. (See Illustration here.) There is no OE Caster adjustment provided. The rear, solid axle suspension is not adjustable, so the recommended alignment type is THRUSTLINE. Wheel alignment specs with adjustment illustrations are available by subscription for all Mustang models HERE

1994-2004 Mustang (Includes Cobra)

The Fourth Generation Mustang has a strut front suspension, which is OE adjustable for Camber, and Toe. Camber is adjustable at the top of the strut where it attaches to the body. (See Illustration here.) There is no OE Caster adjustment provided. Except Cobra models, the rear solid axle suspension is not adjustable, so the recommended alignment type is THRUSTLINE. Wheel alignment specs with adjustment illustrations are available by subscription for all Mustang models HERE

2005-2014 Mustang

The Fifth Generation Mustang has a strut front suspension, which is OE adjustable for Camber, and Toe. Camber is adjustable at the lower strut steering knuckle attachment. (See Illustration here.) There is no OE Caster adjustment provided. The rear, solid axle suspension is not adjustable, so the recommended alignment type is THRUSTLINE. Wheel alignment specs with adjustment illustrations are available by subscription for all Mustang models HERE

2015-present Mustang

The Sixth Generation Mustang has a strut front suspension, which is OE adjustable for Camber, and Toe. Camber is adjustable at the lower strut steering knuckle attachment. (See Illustration here.) There is no OE Caster adjustment provided. The rear, independent multi-link suspension is OE adjustable for both Camber and Toe ( Rear Adjustment Illustration), so the recommended alignment type is Four Wheel. Wheel alignment specs with adjustment illustrations are available by subscription for all Mustang models HERE

At AlignmentSpecs.com, we provide accurate and complete wheel alignment specifications, ball joint testing specifications, chassis/suspension height specifications, and other service data necessary to service your customer's Mustang, or your own.   You can learn more about our wheel alignment data products, including our Industry Standard wheel alignment spec books, Spec CDs, and our online wheel alignment data service called eSpecs. With eSpecs you have 24/7 access to the largest and most complete database of wheel alignment specifications anywhere.

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